Monday, December 5, 2022

Good to feel your efforts are rewarded with the publication on various online platforms.


It's the story of two feisty independent-minded women, one, a journalist, and another, a lawyer. They have been together for a long time and fought for every issue against women, children, and intellectual property rights as copyrights violation, fake news, and disinformation. They've come across a formidable opponent named HIVE, on the head of which is a physicist--rich and influential. If the friends Mary Garcia and Elizabeth Sales would be able to overcome their opponent headed by Dr. Ramirez is the big question in the story. The thrill of the story is the twist that you, reader discovers on the later part as you flip its pages. 

There are two more Magical Birds stories inside since it is a trilogy and more thrilling as the first generation of Mary and Elizabeth. 

Saturday, November 5, 2022


A Constant Reminder to Myself


Turn setback into grace

Sadness into gladness

Hopelessness to hope

Repression to freedom

Depression to liberation of the mind

Don’t allow anyone tell you that you are a disappointment.

Don’t allow anyone to manipulate your life.

Keep away from people or materials that want to harm you.

Keep away from people or any material that could possibly hurt or ruin yourself.

Always turn on your smile mechanism

You are complete and has no need for more

You are beautiful

You are pretty

You are good.

You are a child of God.

Monday, September 26, 2022




I, at first, was reluctant about watching this Netflix video of a newly stand-up Fil-Am comedian named Jokoy because he was handsome with a face that looked too neat (he wore rugged clothes on stage—maong pants, tees with maong jackets?).

The venue was Seattle Theater, Seattle, Washington.

Anyway, if art is said to replicate life in a finer way, that’s where Jokoy’s brand of art makes the difference. He isn’t a classical artist like Shakespeare or Tolstoy, Rowling or Tolkien (all evokes serious tones or mild comedy). He’s a millennium Chaucer such that his jokes are downright brash and brutally honest. There are no butt showing, but he can be much more. You will wake up in your bed introspecting about the things he said. You think he’s cool because people kept laughing, and laughing for more—lets you listen as to what you want to hear, and then not knowing what hit you in the head, because as you go on, you realize that his jokes are not at all jokes. Talk about irony. He picks dirty subjects—taboo-- (creepy!) – boldly discuss it like no one else would like how a baby comes out of the vagina of a mother (how he portrayed his face like a vagina!). I am not sure if such show should be limited to mature audience, but many young people if they dare look at it closely will learn a great deal about LIFE.


Raised single-handedly by his mom, Jokoy is a single father, too, raising a teen-age son. Hurrah for a Fil-Am international comedy artist!

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Kitchen Waste Unlimited as Compost

When I was younger, I wanted to be a manager right away. Of course, those were water under the bridge. I am now a manager, but, a household manager. I didn’t imagine that being one is sooo hard that I must engage time. Sometimes, the moment I stop working, it is already 3 p.m. The best part of working in my own house is, I can manage my siesta, which is usually after 12 p.m. when my husband has left for work. I thought then that the term “household manager” when it was first adopted in the ninety’s way back my SSS days, was a joke. What else does it mean but a housewife, and the term housewife does not sound important back in my days. It is like you are just a wife who stays at home and doesn’t do anything. The position is not appreciated. Well, not in these El Nino days and dumpsites are running out and sorting out the garbage alone is already really a job. Because by doing so, I know I am helping the environment (understatement), and in the ultimate I am helping myself. Why? Because I keep mosquitoes and other sickness and infection causing insects, viruses, away from my family, my community, and myself. And I give myself a job. I thought that that already is an accomplishment. Now I can say that I am now an accomplished manager. I can actualize myself, and I can actualize my time. Okay, here now, with my composting project and diary, to share (modesty aside).

My Journal. (April 8, 2019)

It is April 8, Monday, or 16 days since I started composting my kitchen waste. And, as my title suggests, the waste is unlimited, from fruit peels to vegetables, to leftovers on the dining table. At first, I have reservations about composting in a very limited space like our house. It is a 90-square meter house where around 80 square meters is used as inside of the house or the floor area and so you can imagine how I will make do with around 8 square meter yard with my composting these kitchen trash where portions occupy my herbs and tropical plant pots plus the motorcycle of my youngest son. I am excited about growing the herbs that my sister bought for me because they are all healing herbs and they all repel mosquitoes which are basically a problem in our area because the spaces are congested as the houses are too close to each other and population keep growing. I ‘ve been disturbed too with the news that our landfills are likewise becoming congested and running out and that we have to sort out our garbage as a result, but I know that it is also to our own advantage. And I am disturbed by the fact that one of the problems of our planet today is global warming,  that there’s too much surface heat due to too much carbon dioxide and other toxic gases  in the atmosphere.  That these gases are trapped in the atmosphere due to the destruction of the ozone layer. There’s too much heat in short. Can composting help? Yes. With composting I can reduce fossil fuels because this is unlimited which means all waste are collected. However, I’ve been also thinking of the insects that the compost might invite and yet with all these reservations I decided to push through with this small project.  To give you an idea of the small space where I’m trying my composting, here:

                                                   [photo above]

                                             My bougainvillea pots. Pink and lilac.

From Day 1 that I started, the dump truck passed once and since is almost 3 weeks; there is no dump truck on sight. Okay, since Day 1, I now have 1 big pail 1smaller pail and 1 big plastic pot. When my son was trying to put holes on the sides of the big pail, he almost wrecked the whole pail, so I had to tie a wire around it. Well, the pail is still useful, and I also remedied by transferring the pile of garbage ( a little yuck) in a sack before putting them back in the pail. Voila. Everything neat now. The smaller plastic pail, I just cracked little by little with a small knife. That did the trick.  Take a close look at the small pails. They are neat, aren’t they?  No flying insects around. After putting the waste, I add soil on top for cover. You can look at my initial compost. I was told by somebody I bought the garden soil from that there is no need for a compost breaker and that the garden soil is enough. [photo below]

April 16, 2019

So, this is Day 24 from when I started composting. I now have 2 big pails, 1smaller pail, and 2 plastic pots-  the two pots are made of plastic and one, terracotta with the last pot (the terracotta pot) almost filled to the brim and so this is my problem. I will be needing another pot. I feel that it is also good to use terracotta especially if you are really into gardening because there is no need anymore to transfer, but I am thinking, I keep buying pots, so I feel I need to economize. My idea is to use sack instead so in my next compost, I will use the nylon sackcloth which is sturdy and is easier to tie. As to my soil stock, I still have 3 ½ sacks left. The exciting part is I have already doubled the amount of the soil that I bought outside. By the time everything is ready as a garden soil, I will have no more problem looking for soil when I have to propagate my herbs especially (I am particularly excited with herbs because of its healing benefits), as I used to, although right now, I have not opened any of the compost. They are neat. There are no ants now. Yesterday, there were, but as soon as you expose them under the sun, the ants go away. Summer is best for composting. All the pails and pots are covered. So, what is the procedure? It is simple. Put the trash, then cover the trash with soil on top. Again, there is no need for a compost breaker. I cannot report yet about the quality of the soil. I have not opened them, and I have no intention of opening them yet. I want them to dry under the strong sun. Even El Nino can be an advantage (a friend) particularly for this kind of activity. The strong sun I am hypothesizing will dry the trash under the soil faster and maybe even If I don’t put burned paper trash which I try to avoid because I heard there is an ordinance. I burn a little just so I will have CO2 to put in them. Occasionally, I water the soil. Okay, so that’s the latest for My Composting Diary. I hope this activity will be a success because it won’t benefit me alone. I am sure I can share the experience with a community who has had troubles in the past when government dump trucks don’t come, and smelly trash (with flying insects around like swath of flies) piles up outside of houses. BTW, there aren’t smells with the compost since they’re covered with soil.     Thanks for the Indian woman I saw on FB from whom this activity has been inspired. [photos]

Aprl 25, 2019 (Thursday)

Okay, it is exactly 35 days now from March 22 when we started composting from 1 pot. Now I have 2 big pails, 1 huge pot, 2 small pots, and I have added 4 small sacks. I’ve  learned a lesson. Always, always, before the end of the day, cover your compost so as not to attract, insects, pests such as roaches and mouse because the other day, I saw a small mouse inside my house. That was the first time that I’ve seen a mouse after a long time.  I had 4 cats before. Now, it’s only one. And with the compost activity,  I realized that I have to make sure that I am clean, meaning, at the end of the day, after exposing them under the sunlight,  I have to make sure that they are covered, and the sacks, tied. Otherwise, you would not want to see flies hovering not only around the pails, pots, and sacks, but around the house.  There was a fly while we were eating this lunchtime and I am blaming myself for that. So, number 1 reminder when composting, be very clean. Use gloves. Cover the pails, pots, and sacks because being clean means being free from diseases.  Without further ado, here are my latest photos:

                                    I’ve decided to compost on sacks as it’s a lot cheaper.


                                    The other batch exposed under the sun.


                                       I ‘ve fnally covered and tied everything.

1 May 2019

The sun is scorchingly hot. There are a handful of small mosquitoes swirling around the compost when I opened the sacks and pots and pails.  Suspected that it was coming from the newest sack.  Now I have 5 sacks, 3 big pails and 2 medium sized pots. What I did was add more soil to really cover the dirt under the newest sack. I have again inspected the compost after a while and it’s now mosquitoe-free after a little exposure under the sun. The entire house s also fly-free. My cat, and the other stray cats will be responsible for the mice (if there will be any). My son told me that our cat (we named “Tiger”) has just caught a mouse. That’s maybe the one I saw one day. Everything clean so far. Maintenance is the key. And yes because of the burning heat. You can even toast a bread under such temperature. I  opened the faucet beside the compost and water is too hot.  I wonder what the heat index is. As I mentioned earlier,  global warming is at the moment friendly to composting activities as this one. The accomplishment that it brings is if this succeeds (38 days now),  I have doubled the 5 sacks of garden soil that I bought outside.  Plan to stop in the meantime because  I have no more garden soil plus I want to really really see a result from this new experiment so I  want to make observations and record these observations in this diary. Problem is: Can a small space accommodate home-composting that is hygienic, pest-free, so that it is environmentally-clean, and is sustainable in the long term? Right now, the compost is smell-free.  Am really thankful to the sun. It’s like water that cleanses and kills bacteria so that there are not any smell coming from the compost. The key is to cover with a lot of soil . This is a non-limited compost. The end product I expect would be a garden soil.

23 May 2019

Today is sunny so you can imagine how beautiful the day is. It’s a perfect day. In actuality, the rainy season has come early. Everyday this May it rains and so I cannot inspect my composts.  I have now 4 sacks, 1 big pail, 2 smaller pails, and 2 pots. It is exactly 60 days from March 23, 2019 and I have doubled the amount of soil  I bought for this activity.

1) Is there a smell around the pots created by the composting activity?    No smelly odors around.
2) Are there flies around?   None.
3) Are there mosquitoes?    None.
4) Are there roaches?         None.
5) Are there worms?           Under 1 sack, yes, but the worms are almost dried up.

There is in fact 1 pot where a sapling has grown.

 I have not moved any one of them nor looked inside whether the composts have broken down. On the surface, they looked neat. I do not intend to move them yet because as I said everyday it rains, and right now (2:51p.m.), it looks like it’s going to rain later.

What have I learned from this composting activity?

I have to be clean.  I have always tied or covered my composts. BTW, I used the stray cats for balance of nature.  I attracted them by giving them leftovers.  Even allowed them once in a while to get inside the house. I don’t see mice anymore. I  saw two dead. I used the chalk laced with chemical inside the house to get rid of roaches. Better than bay leaf in sturdiness. The surroundings should be clean. No trash that may invite harmful insects.  One thing left to check is whether the kitchen waste have broken down although inside 1 sack, I still saw egg shells. The potted composts look clean and neat with C02 on top of the soil. Oh yes I burn my tissue paper waste to use for the compost.
And, ‘ tried to transfer 2 little spearmint plants into one of the new pots (compost). See what happens in the future.

Mom-she’s. Don’t forget to wash hands.

Use gloves.

1 June 2019

Look at my end-products. I have now 4 compost-pots where I have planted 1) spearmint 2) pepper 3) oregano 4) parsley. Won’t go around the bush. Here are photos. No smell. No insects.


                                    Spearmint in compost-terracotta pot

                                         Oregano in plastic pot

What have I discovered? It’s easier to do composting directly in a pot—whether terracotta or plastic because there is no need for transferring or moving anything. Right after you cover your waste with soil, the waste breaks down in time with the help of soil on top.  I have more remaining garden soil for future projects. Best is around 90 to 120 days. [photo below]. There are no smells, no insects. The components have broken down except for the mango and avocado seed. So it takes more time for big seeds to break down although their colors have already changed into like-carbon or charcoal. 

                                     A ninety-day soil compost in a plastic pot 
                                     where sprinkled are red pepper seeds.

7 June 2019 

The other day, 5 June, 2019, I have started composting in a bigger sack. Let us see if what worked with smaller pots, pails and sacks will work with a bigger sack. My sack is almost filled today with my kitchen waste. There was waste that I was unable to join with the composted waste because they are two days old. I didn't see them in the kitchen right away that is why. Why did I not let them join the new batch? it is important that right after you throw the kitchen waste, it goes right away to the compost pot and you put right away soil on top. That is to prevent insects like worms or stench, from growing although worm is a compost breaker too. Everything works for the good. To let you take a look at my new sack [here, below] but since the rainy season has already set in, I will let the aging process work to its advantage there are sunlight still and strong sunlight due to global warming. And as mentioned earlier, the warming works to my advantage in a way.

                         The newest sack. Will let it age for about
                                             90 to 120 days. Expose under the sunlight
                                             everyday for a minimum of four hours.

25 June 2019

My plants have grown

So it has been 25 days since we made our last sack (above photo) of compost. The sack is almost filled and the waste that i put has become unlimited. this means accommodating even the wet-ty kitch en waste because sometimes i  can be too busy that sorting out can be confusing. There is a little smell when you open the sack and it s also partly because these days (June) is now the onset of the rainy season. We only have two in the Philippines, summer and rainy.  June is not actually the onset of rainy season, but maybe because of global warming, rains are coming early than expected. i also no longer open the sacks and pots under the sun. The sun is rare nowadays, and if there is sunshine, it's good for a short time. Now i am on to my next sack. The good news is, my plants have grown from some pots where we did composting.  Take a look at the pictures below.

   Look at the difference from the previous photos above; 
the spearmint growing on a composted soil.


                                    Finally, i have a local parsley (kintsay).

                                    God's most powerful plant and antibiotic is easy to grow. 

28 June 2019

Next goal: zero carbon emission

Heard Bill Gates saw Greta Thunberg and a UK group calling that 'time is now' for some climate action from governments. There is a need for a zero carbon emission because CO2 is one of the highest pollutants trapping greenhouse gases and thus making the earth hotter. That will be my next goal, and it means no more burning of paper waste for compost fertilizer. We'll see what we can achieve from this decision. Right now, my total waste at home has been reduced by half because of this composting thing. That, already, is an accomplishment. It is, indeed, already rainy season although today is hot despite announcement that there is an LPA. More likely thunderstorms in the afternoon. It usually thunders in the p.m. followed by lightning and then rain shower. 

17 July 2019

Am guilty. Of sloth. Cold today and like in the past few days, it is good to laze in bed. It has been raining since last night, but moderate, just enough to cool a little the warming earth. Rain just stopped, and it's warm again. So, we really have to do something about global warming. But as I said, I’m guilty because as I saw flies and worms (and the smell) around my compost, I was unable to control myself from lighting up fires. I had no choice I thought because it was always raining. Then the charcoal-ed papers or the ashes (from burning tissue papers and papers and cartons),  I put  in the sack . it reduces the smell and eliminates the insects that are swarming around the compost. it is also good  that I got kitties that can guard me from mice and rats. One day, my youngest son gave me a chemical used to draw away ants. it was faster to use than bay leaves. Bay leaves don't last. Good they don't lurk in corners anymore. Conclusion: Harder to do compost on a rainy season, but it sure is a  good exercise as it reduces by almost-half the amount of garbage that you turn over to the dump truck. I  will have to take advantage of a sunny day, expose the compost under the sun as I’ve proven that iis another way of eliminating insects and stench that may come out of it. 

Monday, May 20, 2019

GOT ending had Bran Stark Lord of Six Kingdoms; Sansa queen of the North

What could be a better ending than seeing justice served to the Starks who were the most aggrieved key characters in the epic TV series GOT, a blackbuster hit not only in the US and Europe, but in the Philippines as well. 
First there was Ned Stark beheaded for a trumped up charge of treason. What could be crueler when Sansa was made to look in the face of the beheaded father and by non-other than her own husband King Joffrey Baratheon who was a Lannister. Jamie, the father of Joffrey, and Cersei, queen at King's Landing and mother, were twins.  It was from this scene that the almost babe Arya was salvaged away from the crowd that “crucified” the father (the ending seems King’s Landing had it all coming for them). Then there was Catelyn and Robb Stark and wife murdered by Tywin Lannister in cahoots with Waldor Frey and Roose Bolton, and Bran pushed out from a tower by Jaime rendering him paralyzed and blind for the rest of his life although becoming a clairvoyant. Ricko Stark suffered a pitiful death by the hands of the maniacal Ramsay Snow (shot Ricko an arrow while running towards  Jon Snow because Ramsay told him to do so while grinning like hell). This Snow also had Theon Greyjoy, Stark’s family friend tortured and forced into servitude.  Sansa Stark had Ramsay (who everyday raped and beat her) eaten by a ferocious hound later in the film. Good for him. Finally, Jon Snow was good as dead as he was almost treacherously killed by his own men from the Night’s Watch during the mutiny at Castle Black. He was resurrected by the witch Melisandre.
For an ordinary audience like me, Jaimee and Cersei’s ending is not enough. ' should have been more. Good for them. Too much greed for power. But if one is to have a better grip of the facts of the epic, the Lannister's are not the cause of all the miseries that befell the seven kingdoms. Maybe this justifies the way Jaime and Cersei were killed. And the Targaryens have the tendency to go crazy and to destroy and burn kingdoms. There were too many missing sub-plots, many are important for understanding one has to read the book of George R. R. Martin. 
Sansa assuming the throne as queen of the north was a vindication for the Starks. Snow killing Daenarys turned out to be more symbolic although disappointing for audiences who followed the epic-sodes (ran around eight to nine years) religiously from start to finish. Daenarys deserve more. But that would be another incestuous relationship. The idea does not seem to sit well with film owners. And she was responsible for razing King's Landing to the ground that included killing innocent children, old people and women.
Sansa was crowned queen of the north while Bran was hailed Lord of the six kingdoms.
Jon Snow, brought up a Stark but was a Targaryen, lead marching men and women with GOT musical theme at the background played was again symbolic, but a satisfying ending for this viewer. 

Friday, September 23, 2016


You talk about pleasure yet you don’t know what real pleasure is
       Real pleasure…  I got from my folks…  my husband…  my sons
       From my God… He gives me hope that you and this world can’t offer
       That’s simple pleasure … for me
You talk about indignity yet you don’t know what indignity is
       I’ll give you poverty and war until your soul is broken
       And I’ll give you humiliation
       Then you will know what indignity is
You talk about justice and fairness yet you don’t know what justice is
       not hearing my side of the story is injustice
       not extending compassion to the needy, or the sinner yet, is injustice even
       not valuing life … when repentance is yet possible… is injustice
       and disrespecting a free voice, idea, and spirit, is injustice
You talk about honesty but have you ever looked deep inside you?
       I can dig into your own skeletons in the closet
       And let you stare at it
       Then you will know what honesty is
You talk about eliminating racism yet have you ever looked closer?
       You flaunt your race too much and looked down on my race
       Would that be fair?
You talk about brotherhood yet those outside your sphere aren’t brothers/or sisters
       You can’t make them to belong less they subordinate themselves
       You talk about equality yet when you are favored the word becomes meaningless
       Let them fight over a piece of cake, like the gladiators, and we’ll laugh
               ‘til our bellies harden with air
       Let the one who will live, live, and the one who will die, die.
You talk about success yet have you, again, looked closer
       It shall be taken away from you at a time when you are
       At best rejoicing and when you feel you have no need of me.

You talk about education yet you have made countless thieves
       To protect your own gigantic interests
       I have no need of education now
       I can just loiter around the streets and carry on with my life
with a stick like Moses, or Socrates, spread the wisdom of Solomon – You can give me hemlock then if I offend your sensibilities.
You talk about humility, forgiveness, yet it doesn’t show
       It just doesn’t show my friend
       BTW, isn’t this world just about friendship?
       and love, and mercy, yes, and forgiveness.
You talk about so many issues yet you have not talked about death
       Death that stares you in the eyes when you’re near it
       What lies beyond you will never know
       You keep hoping there is a God that would bring you back beyond
       Then you start regretting the so many things that you talked about,

       sans LOVE.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Si Superman

Si Superman laging natatapilok kasi flat-footed siya. Nakasuot siya ng awkward na goggles; malabo ang mga mata niya, operated pa nga kase noong bata pa siya cross-eyed siya e; hindi nakakarinig, pero nakakapag drive siya. Minsan pa nga pinalilipad niya ang kotse kapag gusto niyang maglaro. Bibitawan niya ang wheel at patatakbuhin mag isa ang car, at sisigaw naman ako. Wala, naaaliw lang siya.
Maraming beses na disappoint ko si Superman. Take note kapag nagagalit siya tatahimik lang siya. Aalis lang siya pero kapag umalis siya nandiyan lang siya. Hindi ka niya talagang iiwan pero kailangan una mo siyang batiin. Para bang sinasabi niya, you need to be charming; you are a woman after all. At kapag binati mo na siya nakangiti lang siya, iyong ngiting alam mong napasaya mo siya; hindi ngising asong nakakita ng mabibiktima niya na tulad ng ibang lalake ha? Grabe si Superman. Minsan, nakakita siya ng girl na hindi rin nakakarinig. Ibinigay niya ang hearing aid niya na ekstra (kahit gaano pa kamahal).
Hindi macho si Superman pero responsable siya.  Minsan nakita ko laman ng wallet niya over two hundred pesos lang. Hiningi ko ang two hundred. Binigay? Hay naku, cute siya utuin. Pero wala nga akong pera noon. At siya rin konti lang, pero binigay niya.  Do you remember the woman in the bible---- the one who gave her last cents during the offering in a synagogue? So alam na alam kong mahal ako ni Superman. Si Lois Lane yata ako. Pero hindi mo yon maririnig sa bibig niya. Hindi uso ang mga “ I love you” at mga showy na romance sa labas ng bahay. Para talaga siyang sinaunang tao. Baduy niya pa nga magdamit di ba? Sabi ng iba (forgive my word) “stupid” pa kasi nasa unahan ang brief or karsursilyo ba iyon kaysa  sa pantalon.
Mauubos ang mga pahina kapag inisa isa ang magagandang qualities ni Superman, kabaligtaran ito ng Superman ni Nietzsche. Nietzsche’s philosophy of a Superman is different. Strength is the ultimate virtue, and weakness, its failure and henceforth, good is that which wins, and bad is that which fails. It is for me under a big question mark--  what is strength and what is weakness would depend on the perceiv-er--  the same thing with good and bad--  or what wins and what fails— relative talaga itong mga qualities at situations na ito kaya in a way tama din si Nietzsche. Etong kilala kong Superman is not somebody that conventional people will deem as a strong man pero walang meanness sa character niya. Wala siyang mga expressions of vanities, invectives, overflowing male ego chauvinism expressed in meanness toward womanhood and women; hindi nananakit physically, but of course, he hates to see injustice and he has a ready word for it. Tight-lipped. Disciplined. Hindi maingay. I hate guys who are talkative.
Nagsusulat siya e. It took me a long winding journey before I discovered Superman. Napaka swerte ko sigurong babae, and if you happen to meet him, I am sure he will also bless you, especially with his charm. Forget about his eccentricities because it is just perfect.  It is like all the graces of God have been poured in this person. Wala nga lang siyang pera kasi nga manunulat lang naman si Superman di ba? although I remember telling somebody that it is worth more than gold and that no amount of wealth or riches can substitute the bliss that you will get to experience if you happen to meet one like him kaya lang I was told that in the Philippines, one in a million lang siya so sorry na lang kayo.

Back to my topic, when the time came that everyone, practically everyone has turned his/her back on me, si Superman lang ang naiwan. Hindi ka niya iiwan. Kaya niyang talikuran ang mundo for you. At kaya niya ha? Superman nga siya e. Ganon siya magmahal. Lahat ng suntok ng mundo kaya niyang saluhin lang ng kamao niya.