Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It is for the Public Relations Society of the Philippines

I have been teaching public relations lately and I have asked my students if they can uphold the six public relations standards of advocacy, honesty, expertise, independence, loyalty, and fairness.

I was amazed that their answers were almost the same when it came to honesty--- that of course they would have to abide by the terms of their contract.

There was no right or wrong answer. Now I am curious; where does the Public Relations Society of the Philippines stand- about honesty as a PR standard? and up to what extent?

I am thankful to Ms. Deirdre Breakenridge for responding to my e-mail. She is a four-time published author, a 20-year veteran in the PR industry, contributing editor of the Public Relations Society of America, and president and executive director of communications at PFS Marketwyse, a marketing communications agency based in Totowa, New Jersey.

Thank you.